Last week has been busy, so nothing new there, but I have been quite good at working on my projects. At the start of the week we needed to get an electrician to sort out a problem with the ring main in the kitchen. It blew the consumer unit one evening but we managed to isolate the problem. Our insurance arranged an electrician for the next day but he didn't have the time to fully investigate so he made sure our system was safe and arranged to come back two days later. Whilst the ring main was turned off, in order to use the washing machine, dishwasher, and microwave we had to use an extension lead from another room. At least the cooker and fridge freezer are on their own circuits. Fortunately, when he came back, the electrician was able to resolve the issue and everything is now working well again. Having resolved that problem the foot pedal for my sewing machine stopped working. For straight stitching I can use the forward or back buttons but the foot pedal is easier for free motion quilting. I will need to get a new foot pedal.
I have been working on the Grandmothers garden quilt. The red round is complete and Lucy and I decided that a full round of orange was needed so that the quilt hangs down over the sides of the bed. We had originally decided that it was time to stop doing rounds and to square up the quilt. I don't think I've posted a picture recently of this quilt
Over the week I've been slowly knitting the first sleeve of my jumper. I'm making very slow progress on this knitting but at least it is growing and I'm hoping to finish the sleeve tis week.
As I had marking to do I haven't had a lot of time for my embroidery. So today is just a quick catch up to say I've done a little work on the cross stitch and the tablecloth but not enough to bother taking a photograph. I'm hoping to have more time for fun activities this coming week.
I hope the weather hasn't been too bad where you are. This last week we've had lots of rain, sleet and a little snow in London. This weekend the wind has been very strong and branches have been blown down in the local park, all due to Storm Bert. We have been lucky as other parts of the UK has experienced a lot of snow and rain causing flooding and are now coping with very strong winds.
Wherever you are take care and stay safe.