Friday 25 October 2024

This and that.

Yesterday I really didn't feel well and so I worked from home. I managed to complete the important pieces of work and the rest will get done next week. I had meant to write a blog post but by the end of the afternoon I needed a nap, and so I'm writing it today. Earlier in the week I pulled out the Thomas quilt which had been prepared ready for quilting. This was originally a duvet cover that older daughter had been given for her son to use. She asked me to turn it into a quilt. Our Grandson is totally obsessed with trains and Thomas in particular.

I made a start on the quilting. I haven't got very far, mainly on the buffers. I decided to do some echo quilting. I'm also outlining all the different pieces. I want to get this quilt finished so that I can make a start quilting the dinosaurs.

Earlier in the week I spent some time to get the dinosaur quilt sandwich made. I love the fabric I chose for the back. I have some left over and I'm hoping I have enough to do the binding in the same fabric.

Yesterday evening I went through my orange and yellow fabrics to find what I had that was suitable for use in the Grandmothers Garden quilt. I was amazed I had so many orange fabrics. Since I took this photo I've found some more.

I have a good supply of yellow fabrics. I can't decide if I do a whole row of orange or to mix orange and yellow in the same row round.

I had thought I would start squaring the quilt up but I've decided it needs one more full round to make the quilt big enough to hang over the side of the bed when in use. 

Today, John and I have travelled to Swanage for the weekend and this evening we sat eating fish and chips on the beach whilst the tide rolled in. It was a lot of fun. This is one of our 'once a year pleasures'. I hope I'll never feel too old to enjoy the seaside. On the way here we visited Kingston Lacy. I have quite a few photos to share but they will have to wait as I currently can't upload the pictures until I get home.   

I'm looking forward to tomorrow as we want to visit a swannery, do some walking and bird watching.

Take Care


Monday 21 October 2024


Today is day 1 of the Wicked blog hop. Thanks to Carol from Just let me quilt for organising the hop.

I had an idea in my mind about the project I wanted to make, but I wasn't sure how to make it. My brain would decide 'yes' this is the project and then the next day I would change my mind. Then two weeks ago I was talking to one of my neighbours who has a little girl of 6 (or could be 7) . She was telling me that her daughter and friends wanted to have a Halloween party for themselves and their favourite dolls. I thought that sounded like fun. A few days later I met my neighbour and her daughter. The daughter had her Luna Lapin toy rabbit and she asked me if I'd make her toy a witches black dress.  Of course I said yes.

I used the pattern from the Luna Lapin book. This makes a smock style dress with pockets. It was a little fiddly to make and I was able to try it on the Luna Lapin I made for myself. I still need to embroider the face on my rabbit. I added some black velvet ribbon for a scarf but I want to add some fringing to it. I also made a witches hat from some black card stock. Thank goodness for double sided tape. Finally I made a Halloween doll quilt in black and white with a lot of skulls on it.

When I showed the dress and hat to my neighbours daughter, she said the hat had to have holes for her ears to fit through so I added them. I have also agreed to make her some spiders to decorate the hat. She loved the skulls on the quilt. My young 'customer' had some more requirements for the outfit. Her rabbit will need a wand and a broom stick for her to fly on. I need to collect some twigs during my lunch break on Thursday, when I can go to the park.

I haven't decorated for Halloween for the last two years so I went hunting the items I'd made in the past. The only thing I could find was this table topper. I love the black cat it reminds me of Picasso.

Now you need to go and visits the other people sharing what they have made today. Here's the schedule.

I can't Wait to see what everyone has made.

Take care


Saturday 19 October 2024

A little sewing and a little crochet

The problem with having so many projects on the go at once is managing to work on them regularly so they all keep moving forward. It is a juggling act but it's also lots of fun. With lots of projects I can suit my project to my mood and also just switch projects if I'm getting bored.. Today I fancied doing a little sewing and so I pulled out the dress pattern I had cut out and ready to go. I didn't want to spend all evening working on it, I just wanted a relaxing half to one hour sewing. We had an open day for prospective students today which was fun but very tiring so I wanted to do something to calm my brain and leave me ready to enjoy my day off tomorrow.  Sewing generally has a calming effect, unless I make a mistake with the pattern. I made sure I'd read all the instructions before starting and took the process of attaching the pockets to the skirt front and then adding the front bodice very slowly. Even the pressing process was enjoyable and relaxing. I forgot to take a photo of what I had achieved so I took a photo of the machine with the sewing so far.

I've had this fabric for some time, several years in fact. I love the colours in the fabric and it is a brushed cotton so will be great in the cooler weather. I tend to wear short sleeve dresses and cardigans to work as that way I have greater control over temperature control. The building has a very effective heating system (using a heat pump) and also an effective AC system. This dress has large pockets on the front that join into the side seams so these were added and the seams finished with an overlock stitch. I then added the front bodice before I stopped for the evening. The green tape on the machine footplate is the 1.5 cm seam allowance maker.

I now have a couple of jobs to do. First I need to sort out my daughter's crochet. Unfortunately our dogs knocked coffee over the bag her yarn was in and my son quickly grabbed the yarn, pulling it out of the bag so it wasn't covered in coffee and throwing onto his desk. In the process the yarns became tangled up. My job, is to untangle the mess that once was her beautifully organised yarns. No pressure! 

My second job, having finally found my crochet hooks is to do some work on the last challenge of the Chookshed Challenge for 2024. For me this is to continue joining together the crocheted squares into an Afghan blanket. This is how far I've got

As you can see from the photo the coloured squares are alternate to the white squares and I've used red to join the rows together. I have a whole box of finished squares.

I want to make the completed blanket big enough for a young child as a cuddle blanket. That is why I used a denser pattern than normal for the squares, less holes, especially larger holes, mean young children's fingers don't get caught so easily in the holes. Once completed this blanket will be donated to a local charity that provides bedding, clothing etc to parents, with young children, who are struggling due to high costs at present. This is also where I will be sending any quilts I make for donations from now on. 

So far this month I haven't worked on this challenge piece but there is still time to complete the blanket or at least move it forward. I'll let you know how I've got on later this month.

Tomorrow I need to complete my blog hop piece and also write the blog post. I have some bulbs to plant and a couple of pot plants to put in the garden.

Take care


Thursday 17 October 2024

Slow stitching and a blog hop

This week the weather has been rather wet but fortunately I only had a distance to travel on Wednesday, when I was teaching in Oxford. After three days of rain, today saw the sun appear and there was a lot of warmth from the rays even though we are half way through October. I'm hoping its sunny tomorrow as I need to plant some bulbs and I still have three plants to set in their final position. I will also need to take Missy and Twiglet for a long walk as the rain has kept all walks rather short and they both have a little too much energy.  On the evenings I've been slowly stitching on the tablecloth. This was how far I had got at the beginning of the week.

Since then I 've slowly added some more flowers . Tomorrow I'll finish the mushrooms. 

I'm finding this embroidery very restful and calming.  I've no idea how long it will take to complete the whole cloth but the important thing is that I'm enjoying the process and slowly improving my embroidery skills.

Alongside the embroidery I have also been knitting and the front of the jumper is complete to just short of the armholes. Still a long way to go to complete the jumper but it is progressing rather well.

Looking ahead to next week the wicked blog hop will take place. Here is the schedule.


Just Let Me Quilt

Just Sew Quilter

Sew Many Yarns

Patchouli Moon Studio

High Road Quilter


Quilt Schmilt

Selina Quilts

Karrin’s Crazy World


Quilted Snail


A Quiltery

Elizabeth Coughlin Designs


Homespun Hannah's Blog



Ms P Designs USA

Quilted Delights

Quilting Between the Rails

I need to get a wriggle on to finish my project but it is almost done. I hope to see you all on Monday.

Tomorrow we have some errands to run in the morning and then we are meeting up with older daughter to shop for curtain fabric. Once we've sorted that we are going back to her house for dinner. She tells me that our grandson is very excited about seeing us. Saturday I am working as we have an open day at work but that still leaves Sunday for sewing time. For now I need to get some sleep as it's been in rather short supply this week.

Take care


Sunday 13 October 2024

The stitching and Knitting show and slow stitching.

Yesterday John and I visited the Stitching and Knitting show at Alexandra Palace in London. We travel by underground and train as there is very little parking at the venue and it is a lot easier on public transport than driving. We planned to arrive early and have coffee when we got there. The journey was quick and easy  but there is quite a steep hill to walk up from the station. There is a good view across London.

Having conquered the hill we were soon sitting enjoying a coffee and cinnamon whirl in the restaurant. We decided to look at the stands for merchandise first whilst it wasn't too crowded and then go round the quilt and other textile displays.

On one side of the entry into the show some of the winning quilts from the Festival of Quilts were on display. I knew there were a couple I had missed so quickly took photos to show you. 

The first one is The Handi Quilter Best in Show award 2024 made by Sue Sherman and titled 'Dear Humans'. 

Here's the label that tells you more about it.

The second was this fabulous mask. This was the visitor choice winner.

Here is the information about it.

The halls got busy very quickly and not surprisingly since all tickets had been sold. Everyone was friendly and moved out the way when asked but slow walking was the order of the day and that always causes me pain in my right hip. Fortunately there was a lot to see and enjoy. We don't usually go on a Saturday but it was the only day we were free. I bought some fabric to make a dress and a pattern and fabric to make an artists smock. John bought a new magnifier and lights system for his model making and stamp collecting. As we had visited Midsomer Quilting recently I didn't need any fabric for quilting. I looked at some fabulous yarns but I still have 3 knitting projects to complete so didn't buy anything more. I did need a large button for the jumper I'm knitting for the collar. I found this cute button with turtles on it.

There was a lot of embroidery patterns and kits and threads of all colours but again I have several projects to finish before I buy anything more. Goodness me I think I may be behaving like an adult for once. There was some beautiful silk embroidery threads on sale but since I'm not using silk threads for any of my current projects I definitely didn't need to buy any. 

After lunch we decided it was time to enjoy the rest of the quilts and textile items on display. There were a 8 graduate shows to see. This one focussed on birds. The birds were drawn from nature and then reproduced in textiles. These were created by Bonnie Magee who trained at Glasgow School of Art.

It was good to have the art work next to the textile work as you could see how the transition was achieved.

This portrait is digitally embroidered by Jennie Rose Malcolm who studied at Falmouth University. The portrait is of Edith Agar-Robartes and was inspired by the original portrait at Lanhydrock House, a National Trust property in Bodmin, Cornwall.

Other textile artists on display included Jessica Chorley with this piece 'Table in Landscape - A space of Your own' made in 2020.

I also liked the work by Richard Box, a gentleman over retirement age who still teaches and enjoys making fabric art. I really like that under much of his work there was a label that said 'Please touch'. Many people where too shy to touch but his work is very tactile.  This first piece, Primroses, was made in 2010.

I loved 'The Hare' made in 2016 and the texturing for his fur made me want to stroke him.

I also had to take a photo of these three. The piece of red thread on the card shows they have been sold.

I spent some time talking to Richard and he said he had had a really good show, having sold quite a number of his pictures and enjoyed chatting with everyone. He is a regular contributor to the Knitting and Stitching show.

Today being Sunday is slow stitching day. I've been working on my knitting in the evening over the last week so today I plan on stitching on the embroidered table cloth.  I haven't done any more work on it since the last photo I took.

This is the project I will be working on this week. It's back to work tomorrow but the weekend was fun. Currently we have nothing planned for next weekend as I am covering an open day on Saturday. I'm planning to take the following Monday as a day in lieu so we will still have two days to do something. 

Take care


Saturday 12 October 2024

The end of another week

The work week is over and now is the time for some sewing and for some fun. Yesterday morning I had some household chores to do but I started the day by taking Missy and Twiglet to the park. We spent nearly a hour walking round and Missy enjoyed chasing her ball while Twiglet enjoyed chasing Missy. The grass was wet and at first Twiglet didn't want to get his paws wet but he eventually joined in the game. Back home I finished the jobs I needed to do in the kitchen and then spent some time finding fabric for the an embroidery project I want to start before the end of the year. At the same time I found some fabric to make a dress which I hope to get sewn together next Friday. Having found the fabric I can cut out the pattern pieces when I have time over the coming week. Yesterday, I wanted to work on my double wedding ring quilt. The pattern is from Today's Quilter.

Earlier in the year I'd cut some fabrics to make the rings. I knew I would need to practice this as I don't often sew curves. In this quilt there aren't any straight lines.

Once I'd sewn some of the segments I laid the pieces out to see how they would fit together. Some of the segments turned out a little 'iffy' until I mastered the technique.

I had bought a little extra fabric so I could practice and I eventually got the hang of it. Next up was to add the center part .  I cut the centers I needed for the first row. I pressed the 9 inch squares into four and the cut using the template. I needed to stay alert so I remembered to put the template to the folds as required.

I used some of the 'iffy' segments to have a practice sewing the ring together and my first attempt was again 'iffy'. I wasn't too upset with it as it won't be used in the quilt. I decided it was time to get on with making a few rings with blue middles. In order to ensure the pieces all met as they should, each unit took quite a while to make. I'm hoping the time to make each one will get less as I become more efficient. Below is the test unit that won't be used in the quilt The join on the top right is more about the 'iffy' segment and I was pleased with the two lower joins.

I was tired when I'd managed to make a couple and it was time to tidy things away before getting ready to go out.

Our evening out last night was to the theatre to see 'Come from Away'. I 've seen it before as Lucy and I went a couple of years ago. It's a musical about the 7,000 air passengers from all over the world who were grounded in Canada in the wake of 9/11, and the small Newfoundland community who invited them into their lives. I'm was really looking forward to seeing it again. 

The theatre was packed with all seats sold. I took a photo of the stage setting before it began.

Having seen it before I knew the cast moved the chairs and tables around as the action  progresses. The musical was as amazing as I remembered it. John tells me he doesn't like musicals but he was completely blown away by the experience. It covers all emotions from very sad to very happy and includes difficult topics including race, religion, terrorism and death but provides an incredible uplifting experience.  The cast were full of energy and it is very fast moving. The play run straight through, so no interval but once it was finished the theatre bar stayed open and the musicians played in the bar. We stayed a while and enjoyed the experience.

Today is the Stitching and Knitting show at Alexandra Palace and we have tickets. I have a couple of items I want to buy and I love to see the graduate show work on display. I'll tell you about it tomorrow.

Take care


Tuesday 8 October 2024

Quilt top finished.

Yesterday was a nothing but sewing day and I had a lovely day. I made a slow start as I wanted to read a couple of chapters of my current book. Twiglet offered to keep me company and sniggled close while I read. It was like having a very warm hot water bottle next to me. It's a wonder I didn't fall asleep. I had got the dinosaur quilt as far as 6 separate panels and I'd shared this photo. Not a great photo but you get the idea of how it will look.

I'd planned to try and complete the quilt top and in the event that proved very easy. It did take quite a time to do as the quilt top is heavy but by lunch time it was finished and pressed.

There is a good overhang on each side and the bottom row of dinosaurs was hanging over the end of the bed. I still need to clear all the threads and then set up the quilt sandwich.

Whilst making this quilt I've had time to reflect on the pattern and how I went about making it. First a good designer will give clear and easy to understand instructions, backed up by diagrams. However reading all the instructions before you start makes it much easier to work on. This was an Elizabeth Hartman pattern and I can recommend it if you have a dinosaur lover you need to make a quilt for. I will be making another of her quilts as I have both the Cats in Pyjamas and the Dogs in Sweaters patterns.

This quilt has a lot of small pieces and this adds to the weight of the quilt. If, like me, your wrists and arms get tired moving large heavy quilts around or if your eyes get tired then you need to make the quilt in easy chunks. There are 4 different dinosaurs in the quilt and each kind is made in 6 colours.  My original plan was to make a set of 6 dinosaurs a month but I found making three worked well and gave me time to work on other projects. I started the first dinosaurs in January and finished in September so a nice well paced project. Today I decided to finish the top and as I sewed the panels together it got heavier and heavier. Fortunately my wrists didn't start aching so no problems.

For this quilt I cut all the background fabric, sashing and borders and some of the dinosaur fabric at the beginning.  I wouldn't do that again as it left me with sore wrists for several days. I also found the sashing fabric became a bit 'fluffy' at the edges which meant I have more threads than usual to sort out.

My last thoughts are about patterns and fabrics. I've made a couple of quilts for friends using their pattern and fabric. For me these are important aspects of enjoying my hobby. I love bright and happy fabrics and I don't particularly like working with dark or muted colours. The feel of the fabric also makes a difference. I will still makes quilts for friends, even using fabrics or patterns I'm not keen on but I'll be careful to give myself some joy by also working on something that makes me feel happy.

Having finished the quilt top I took some time out to do some ironing before moving on to the next project. I pulled out the Red Manor House quilt as I haven't worked on this for a while.

The next round on this quilt is a series of appliques. I have the patterns already but I need to pull the fabrics I am going to use. I also need to find the fabric I had identified for the backgrounds. This isn't in my plans for the month but I would like to move this project forward. Tomorrow, I need to make some decisions about the fabrics I have pulled from my stash. Auditioning fabrics can be quite a tricky process 

I am now working the next 4 days so any sewing or knitting will be done in the evening. Today and Wednesday I am working away from London so I will be late home and any sewing I do will be hand stitching. Sunday will be my next sewing day.  

Take care

Monday 7 October 2024

A fun weekend.

This last weekend has been busy but fun. It all started on Friday with emptying the large boot of our family car. We had meant to do a run to the local recycling centre to get rid of some of the unwanted items we had stored in the attic. Some items came from both my parents and John's parents homes after they died. It isn't really a time to be ruthless and get rid of things, especially items with important memories, so we stored them. You need time to decide what to do with things. In our case this has taken over 10 years. Recently we have been sorting the loft and some items now have pride of place around our home, some have gone to other family members, some to the charity shop and some needed to be recycled. The recycle items had got as far as the boot of the car. Whilst our little sports car was having its yearly service I spotted a used car to replace our family car. It has only done 1800 miles and is two years old with full service record. How could I resist. So back to Friday and emptying the boot of our old car prior to collecting the new one. I had already dealt with change of insurance and parking permit but it still took a while to complete the rest of the paperwork. I had two other appointments on Friday and the rest of the day was catching up on household chores so we could enjoy the rest of the weekend.

Saturday morning was an early start as we were going on a bird watching day and were travelling by coach that was leaving Victoria embankment at 7:30. Never mind, I napped on the coach so caught up on my sleep. The trip was to Sandwich Bay Bird Observatory in Kent.  The last bit of the journey into the car park was a little stressful as the lanes were very narrow and the coach was very large. Once there we were given a demonstration of ringing birds. The observatory is on the migration route and there is a lot of research into the birds on route. The birds they were doing were tiny Chiffchaffs on their journey back to Africa. Many were very young with limited fat and poor quality feathers. They will stay a few days to put on fat before crossing the Channel. After that we headed out onto the site. As we started the walk I looked back and saw this tree with beautiful white leaves (middle of photo) I think it is a White Poplar but forgot to go back later and check the bark.

There were several more in the area.

As we were walking through the reserve there were thistles. 

This lovely bush which I can't remember the name of,

and various fungi along the way.

We lifted all the mammal mats that we saw in the hope of seeing a grass snake or a slow worm. Instead we saw a common lizard and a vole. Overhead there were a lot of raptors including about 8 Buzzards, several Kestrels and a Marsh Harrier. Unfortunately you need a long lens to get good photos. We enjoyed seeing the ducks and geese on the lake. There were a lot of Snipe across the lake but also too far away for a good photo. John and I ate our lunch out in the sun watching the dragonflies and butterflies fluttering by. We then headed down to the shore to see what birds we could spot in this area. This picture is looking across Sandwich Bay.

We didn't see any birds on the water but there were a couple of boats and way out in the distance there is a big windfarm.

By now we needed to head back to the main site as our coach was leaving at 4p.m. We decided to walk along the shore and then follow the public footpath across the golf course. On the way we saw a lot of this yellow flower but I'm not sure what it is.

The path across the golf course was very well sign posted. They obviously didn't want us wandering onto the fairway or being hit on the head with a golf ball.

Back at the main site we had a drink and a snack, had a quick visit to the gift shop and I took some photos . I love the different look and texture of tree bark so this was a must.


I was very pleased to get a good photo of the Peacock butterfly.

This display of roof lilies was planted in an old sink

The daisy was pretty

The buddleia still had flowers but no butterflies. 

Not only did this plant have the peacock butterfly it also had lots of bees.

Once our coach driver had managed to wriggle the coach out of the car park we had a good journey back to London and even the underground was working in our favour.

Yesterday we had arrange to go to Compton Verney with Older daughter and family.  Compton Verney houses the Art Gallery of the same name. The house and estate is in the village of the same name in Warwickshire. The house is a Grade 1 listed 18th century mansion and is surrounded by 120 acres of parkland which was landscaped by Lancelot 'Capability' Brown. The journey there was a pleasant drive that gave me lots of time to get used to the new car. I had to get used to all the safety features as well as the button 'handbrake'. The drive was very smooth and the car is great to drive.

Looking across the lake we could see the house.

There are sculptures around the grounds. I like the shape of this piece.

Sheep were grazing peacefully in the field on one side of the drive.

The view looking away from the house as we walked up the drive.

Looking back across the lake.

Our reason for the visit was to see the Louise Bourgeois exhibition. We had planned the trip for last weekend but due to being delayed by a puncture we moved our visit to 6 October, the last day of the exhibition. In the grounds was her Spider which she completed in 1996

There were other exhibitions as well so we started in the Naples gallery. This mirror is made with coral, mother of pearly and copper. 

You can read about it here

The casket is made from the same material about 1700-50. It could have been used to store important documents.

Alongside all the beautiful artifacts and art work they had a children's interactive volcano. They load the bricks into the top of the volcano and then pump the handle until the larva (bricks) tumble down the hillside. Little one decided he wanted to build things instead

This was a very beautiful and delicate nativity scene. I've put the information about it below.

Our visit was to see the Louise Bourgeois exhibition and this was very good. I took a few photos but not many. This first picture explains the next few . I didn't take photos of every page

Moving on I found these spirals. I loved the spirals myself but a child of about 8 was transfixed by them and stood for ages looking at them. 

Having enjoyed our day out the drive home was very unpleasant with rain and a lot of fog in places. At least most drivers slowed their speed to match the conditions. 

This post is so long but I wanted to do the whole lot in one go. Now I've finished writing this I can get on with my nothing but sewing day.

Take care
