Monday, 29 August 2016

I'm busy doing something

I know the line of the song is, "I'm busy doing nothing" but I don't seem to have stopped these last three weeks. I always thought a holiday was supposed to be restful but this one has flown by in a whirl of activity as I tried to catch up with everything and still have time to visit friends and some walking.  I still need to blog the 2nd half of my Berlin photos and play catch up with my sewing and lots more before I go back to work on Wednesday. 

Lets just start with a little slow Sunday stitching. Although I haven't joined the linky party for a few weeks I've been enjoying some slow stitching on the Sundays. It makes you slow down and enjoy life away from the fast lane.

This week I've started stitching a bookmark I found in my stocking Christmas 2015. I was trawling through my embroidery box and found it  near the bottom, moaning to itself about not seeing the light of day. It's very pretty and shouldn't take long to stitch so I pulled it out. This is the photo I took on Christmas day. I love Celtic knot patterns.

The kit came with everything I needed including a needle and the threads were cut to a good length for stitching. All I needed to do was read the instructions, sort the threads into their colours and split the thread I was using into 3 strands. Including the preparation my progress from an hour on Sunday evening looks like this.

Not a lot but I was watching Silent Witness. I'm not sure why there's a red tinge to the cross stitch fabric. Cameras can be a little annoying at times when they slightly alter the colours.I also bought some yardage at an amazing 50p a metre (I think that's about 0.65 USD.)  Not fabulous colours but the fabric has a great feel to it and I just love a bargain. I already have a purpose for the red and the blue. 

Now I need to get a wriggle on and pop to the shop as I'd forgotten that being a bank holiday here in England the supermarkets will close early. I usually shop on a Monday evening with Lucy and there isn't a lot in the house to eat!


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