Hooray, just Friday until a sewing day. Don't get me wrong, I love my job and I carry on working because I want to but I also love my time away from work. It gives me the opportunity to spend more time with my family (including our dogs), the opportunity to work on my various projects and time for visits and expeditions. This week I'm working on Friday so there are just two days to fit everything in. Tomorrow, (Friday) evening we are out at a concert, which means I only have this evening to finish knitting the back of my cardigan. Not that I set out to finish it. In fact my plan was to knit the back to the half way point but I've totally smashed that. Just finished the back.
I made the quilt sandwich for the Churn dash quilt and I started the quilting. I decided to outline the block design and this creates a cute second pattern with squares. I've finished 15 of the 35 blocks so just 20 to go. I also need to look for a suitable binding fabric.
I started the fish block for the Frog quilt. I was hoping to have this finished before the end of the month but life, amongst other things got in the way.
I've managed to do a little work on the Star Trek cross stitch, a little on the table cloth and some on the Red Manor House quilt top. I'm not posting any photos here as progress on these projects has been very slow.
On a totally different topic, I got a phone call from the hospital giving me a date for my reconstruction surgery. For those of you who don't know, I was treated for breast cancer in 2017. I had chemotherapy, surgery (full mastectomy) and radiotherapy. I had always said I wanted a reconstruction and last year I finally got onto the waiting list. The phone call came out of the blue as last time I saw my plastic surgeon back in June last year he said it would be about 18 months time. My surgery date is 18th March but If he has emergencies to deal with it may get pushed back a little, but that would not be a problem. Last night I sent a text to my brother to suggest we visited him on his birthday which is 21st March. If everything runs on time that will be delayed.
I'm happy to have finished the back of my cardigan and also to have got so far with the Churn Dash quilt. WI need to decide what to work on during March.
Take care