Friday, 7 February 2025

My fun day

Here in London the weather is cold, wet and overall horrible. With that in mind it seemed like a good day to stay home and have a little fun. The fun started early. On a work day I get up at 5:45 and plan to leave home at 6:30. The best bit of the morning is the first cup of tea of the day and I need time to savour it. Today I had extra time in bed and Twiglet came and snuggled down on the duvet next to me. It meant I was very warm as he is a small but efficient generator of heat. I eventually felt too warm at about 8a.m. so made a start on the day. I had several things I wanted to do. First up was some cooking. I had three bananas at the perfect ripeness for making banana bread. When that was put in the oven I started on some millionaire shortbread. Twiglet and Missy hung around in the kitchen in the hope of me dropping something but they were out of luck. 

Next up was a rest with more tea and my knitting. I started my pink cardigan as it is my project to work on this month for the Chookshed Challenge. I love the yarn I'm using, it's so soft and silky. which is not surprising since it's 70% wool, 15% alpaca and 15% silk. It feels really nice on your fingers when knitting. This is how far I've got in week 1 of February.

This afternoon I drew out all the embroidery blocks for the Frog quilt. I have finished one small embroidery and these are the other two small ones. All the other embroideries are much bigger.

Tomorrow John and I are going on a bird watching trip to Norfolk. The journey should take about 3 hours so I'm hoping to get quite a bit of stitching done on the coach. I need to make sure I take enough floss with me and a spare needle. I'm stitching the pattern with three strands of thread.

This evening John and I went out to dinner. The food was very tasty and had the added bonus that someone else was doing the cooking and we had no tidying up to do afterwards. I didn't take any photos in the restaurant.

Before I go to bed I need to check my camera battery is full recharged and find where I've put my binoculars. We're hoping to see quite a few raptors such as marsh harriers, hen harriers, sparrow hawk and merlin. I also need to remember that tomorrow is due to be cold so I'll need lots of layers to stay warm , especially as we will be near the sea.

Take care



  1. The baking looks great.
    Lovely colour for the cardigan you’re knitting.
    Hope you have a wonderful day out bird watching.
    Maria lifeontheblock

  2. Enjoy your bird watching trip away, and keep warm! Hope you see the species you are hoping to.

  3. Mmmm…your baking looks so good. That’s such beautiful yarn you’re using. I’m going to have to look up Millionaire Shortbread. That’s a new one on me. Barbara @ Cat Patches
