Tuesday 10 April 2012

Hi. My name is Lyndsey and I love all types of needlecraft .. well to be exact I love all type of craft. This isn't something new since I can trace it back to when I was about 5 years old and asked my mother to show me how to knit so I could make a jumper for my doll. A favourite item to be bought with pocket money was a small piece of material from a market stall so I could make some clothes for my teddy bears or dolls. The only time I didn't like needlecraft was at school as the lessons turned something that I found enjoyable into a nightmare. When I had my three children it was natural for me to make their clothes and items for the nursery. Unfortunately as the children grew up and they and my career demanded more time, craft was relegated to very small projects that could be completed during a holiday. Unfortunately I even had too little time for those projects. So I have spent a number of years doing nothing.

Now thanks to my youngest daughter and our Guide unit I have rediscovered my love of needlecraft and since Christmas have dusted off my sewing machine, straightened my knitting needles, restocked on threads and found those discarded projects from the cupboard where they have been languishing. 

Lucy, my 20 year old daughter is currently working on her Queen's Guide award and she was trying to decided what to do for her project. The project has two parts to it, research and practical. She was particularly keen that the project should be about something that affected girls and women and that for the practical part that the Guides should be able to help if they wanted to. Just when she was getting desperate Anne, an avid quilter, moved to the area and joined the unit as a leader. Her old Guide unit had made quilts for prem babies and she suggested this to Lucy. The Guides all loved the idea and so the project crisis was resolved and I rediscovered needlecraft.

Jackie the local rep for Project Linus UK came to talk to the Guides and bought some quilts with her. She also said that Project Linus needed knitted baby blankets. From this I rummaged through my wool / yarn stock and pulled out all the baby DK and started knitting. To date have done 15 blankets.

I knitted the little bunny blanket buddy from a free pattern from Lion Brand. The pattern should be knitted in chunky but it worked rather well in the small amount of DK I had.

The last few years haven't been all been wasted as I did manage to complete a Hardanger embroidered cushion cover. Hardanger is a district in the western part of Norway. The embroidery is traditionally done in white thread on white even weave but recently I have seen several items made in more colourful threads. I love the symmetry of this type of embroidery and it is very relaxing to do.

I haven't unfortunately done so well with the sampler I was given for the millennium. It is still waiting to be completed. The finished picture is 17inches square. I plan to try and finish it this year.

When my children were small they always liked banners or pictures announcing their birthday so I have finally got round to making a banner. It will be completed just in time to celebrate Lucy's 21st birthday later this month. 

So plans for this year are to complete my sampler and the quilt I have started for Project Linus. I also want to make a quilt for my own bed plus sew the small wall hanging quilt that my husband John bought for me when we visited The stitching and knitting exhibition at Alexander Palace in October last year. I am really looking forward to making the quilt for my room as it will involve working out the design as well as sewing. I think what I need to do now is go and get started.

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