Sunday 19 August 2018

Having fun making blocks

Yesterday I decided I needed a sewing day but I didn't want to do anything too taxing so I hit my scraps again. A while back I came across the trip around the world block and decided to make one to see if I liked it.  I like the block so I made two more.

They are a little tedious with the need to unpick the seam (and at the right seam) but I love the effect they produce when put with other blocks. Click here to find out more. I have some pieces left over from jelly rolls and I also have strips from fat quarters that I need to cut to give more variety of colours and patterns. The block is great for perfecting accuracy of matching seams!

I then looked in my 5 inch squares bag. I had several bits left over from charm packs and I just wanted to make simple 9 square blocks.

After the first four I spent a short time in the kitchen. I wanted to make some bread so I set this up first. I used whole wheat flour and mixed grains. Having set the dough to rise I mixed up the ingredients for Scottish oat cakes. John and I love these with cheese and other savoury snacks. They don't look much but are fully of oaty goodness and make a great snack.

With the bread still rising I went back to the machine and made some more 9 patch blocks.

Once the dough was fully risen I put it in the oven and enjoyed the smell that filled the kitchen as it cooked.

I had to waiting for the bread to cool but once it had it was delicious. I had forgotten the pleasure of making bread but now the memory had been activated I will be doing this regularly. I also really love the tiles in my kitchen, they are like mini quilt patterns.

I then went back to my fabrics. I am trying to  use my scraps as they are getting out of hand and I really don't have the storage space. I know I have another box of  5 inch strips but I wasn't sure where I'd put it. I eventually managed to find it and I have a lot of strips to add to the ones I've already stitched together. That will have to wait for another day as I needed to cook dinner.

Today I needed to do some chores and get my head round the fact I'm back at work tomorrow. My slow stitching today is stitching the binding on the baby quilt. I need this to give to my student on Thursday. I don't think I've shown a photo of this quilt since I completed the quilting. I'll show you later in the week.

I'm linking this post with Kathy for her  Slow Sunday Stitching. Pop over and see what everyone has been up to.



  1. Beautiful sewing, yummy baking and I really like your kitchen tiles!

  2. Your bread looks wonderful. I love the smell of baking bread in the house. I have been making English Muffin bread since it has no fat. Trying to lose a little weight but not being very successful. Your baby quilt is so cute I know your student will love it. And as for those scraps, for me I leave the room and they multiply tenfold. I like your blocks to use them up.

    1. Sherry would you share your English muffin bread with me? Thanks.

  3. It was hard to take my eyes off the bread, but I noticed the tiles in your kitchen right away. Sounds like a lovely day.

  4. Home made bread is the best! Great work on your blocks and baby quilt too.

  5. Your kitchen tiles are awesome. It is always rewarding to use our scraps except them never seem to get any less. Your cookies and bread look delicious.

  6. Such lovely tiles in your kitchen... it's like looking at quilt patterns while you cook!
    Hope you enjoyed binding your baby quilt!

  7. I have thought about the trip around the world but haven't gotten quite ready to do one. The bread looks awesome!!!

  8. You do have wonderful kitchen tiles!!! I'm always noticing tiles on walls, floors, ceilings. Have you designed any quilts from them? That loaf of bread looks great!
