Sunday 11 September 2016

Slow Sunday Stitching.

It great that it's time for slow Sunday stitching as yesterday I quite wore myself out with speedy Saturday quilting. I knew if I got a wriggle on I could more or less finish the quilting on the 9 patch quilt. I had some work to do for work so I paced myself by doing 2 hours of work followed by 1 hour of sewing. This way I don't feel bad doing things for work on a day off. Yesterday was wet here in London so I wasn't missing out on time to be enjoying the outdoors. By the end of yesterday the quilting was almost completed but that left the final bits and sewing in the ends to be done today. Not an exciting bit of hand stitching or even one people notice once the quilt is finished but it is very satisfying. I know some people just clip the ends off but I just can't bring myself to do that. 

I shall be finishing the quilting once I've finished this post. I can already tell you that next weekend will see me hand stitching the binding to the back of the quilt. I know I could do this on the machine but I enjoy the job and it doesn't take that long, especially with a good film on the TV. I do have to decide what to bind it with before then.

During the week I received a little package in the post that was most exciting. I know in other countries and particularly in America you can get subscription boxes for fabric and notions but I couldn't find one here. Buying from America isn't really an options as you can end up paying a lot of money in taxes. So when I came across a new service just starting in the UK by The Bramble Patch I signed up. The box is only small as they planned it to fit through the average letter box and this is reflected in the price. 

Inside the contents are protected by tissue. This will go into our brownie craft box as tissue paper is really useful.

It was an odd feeling opening the box as I was excited but worried whether I would like the contents.

I shouldn't have worried as as the contents is fine. The charm pack is really pretty and I have a plan for this. The FQ is a very useful colour and the measuring gauge has already been put to use. As you can see there is also some thread and a pattern, oh and Scamp's paw. He was being a little possessive. I'm happy with this months box and so long as it doesn't turn out to be very 'samey' (is there such a word) I will continue to be happy. It's also an odd coincidence that the pattern is for a cutting mat bag, as I had been thinking about making one since my cutting mat goes to Guides with me when we are making quilts or doing any sewing.

If I have time tonight or tomorrow I'm going to sort out my stash. I don't have much yardage but I do have a good supply of fat quarters and a couple of charm packs. I have a new project in mind but need to check what I have before I go to the shop.

I'm linking this post with Kathy for Slow Sunday Stitching.



  1. Your quilt is looking very good and what fun that box is!

  2. I'd rather have a quilt with hidden threads than one where they are just clipped. I admire you for taking the time to make something that's going to last. How fun to get surprises in the mail!

  3. I like to hand sew on quilt bindings too.
