Thursday 27 July 2017

Ahhh another UFO!

Since I started stitching the bag ladies in January I've been looking for my small embroidery hoop. Alas, until now my searches have been in vain. It was a real pain because there isn't even that many places in the house where it could have be. I didn't need to look in Richard's room as it most definitely wouldn't be there or in what was to be my sewing room but is now Lucy's room. In fact the only three rooms it could have been in was our bedroom, the living room and the dining room. So over the months I've gone through every cupboard and drawer in these rooms. I thought I'd looked everywhere but then last night I opened a drawer and there was a small project bag with some embroidery in it. The embroidery was hooped up using my small hoop! I think that's why I missed it. My brain was telling me to look for a hoop on its own not attached to a piece of embroidery.  Anyway I've now found it which is good news but the I also found another UFO.

I can't remember how old this piece is but I know it's older than the millennium sampler. I remember it was a gift from a friend but the rest is a blur. I love the green blue butterfly and I had fun blending in the colours. When I stitched the other butterfly I'd just seen a Red Admiral and the colours on its wings were very clearly separated into the pattern.

I don't think the piece is quite 50% complete at present so there is a lot of work to do. I'll add it to my stitching list and try to work it into my objectives.

The reason for the search was to find the hoop to use with the bag ladies so here is Mildred all hooped up. On her face I still need to do her eyebrows, eyes and mouth. I promised myself I wouldn't move on until her face was done but it just sort of happened.

I can't make up my mind if I want to stitch all the dots on her apron and if I do should I do them in black? Mildred certainly isn't as colourful as some of the ladies but they have a habit of evolving as you work on them so that could all change. I'm not working tomorrow and although I have a pretty busy schedule I'm giving myself at least an hours stitching in the morning.

Tomorrow I need to get started on packing up the camping kit. It all has to be weighed and put in packs of less than 32 Kg. Then I need to complete the custom forms and make a load of labels so each pack is clearly labelled with our unit details. Everything has to be done by early Sunday morning as it has to be delivered to the logistic centre ready to be loaded onto the lorry and driven to Switzerland. It's not just the camping kit, we also have to pack our personal kit as that goes on a second lorry and starts it journey next week. We don't fly out until the 8th. It's a pain that everything has to go so early but at least it's delivered back to the UK fairly quickly at the end of our trip. Now do I pack my stitching for the trip in my kit that's going on the lorry or do I take it on the plane. Note to self... need to check whether needles and embroidery scissors are allowed on the plane. I also need to load a couple of books onto my kindle. At three weeks since my last chemo when we go I'm not sure how much walking I'll be able to do especially at the altitude so I need to be well prepared for just sitting around resting and enjoying the views of the mountains.

Talking of resting I'm sitting in bed writing this but I can feel myself starting to drift off so I think I'll say goodnight and hit the publish button.



  1. Mildred is looking great. Congratulations on finding that hoop. Isn't it frustrating when things disappear like that? What a pain packing things up so early. I'm going to be doing a lot more planning and kitting things up for our trip this coming month. It'll be on us (and you) before we know it.

  2. I love that pretty sampler which was hiding away with your hoop. As you say, just add it to your list of things to do, and now you have rediscovered it, it will get done eventually.
