Sunday 28 August 2022

Slow stitching

The last time I wrote was during my annual leave. I've been back at work for a week and the time just seems to be flying by. My car went into the garage for its annual service during my holiday and there weren't any problems. I did a lot of walking but didn't lose any weight as all the walking made me extra hungry. Every year since 2014 I've taken part in the challenge to walk a thousand miles in the year. This weekend I've smashed that total and there is still 4 months of the year left to go. I wonder how far I'll have walked when I total up on New Year's eve. On the sewing front there has been bits going on but progress is difficult to quantify.

Yesterday I pulled out the grandmothers garden quilt. I'm not sure when I started this quilt but it is a long term slow stitching project. Finally, earlier today I stitched the last of the white row together. The quilt now reaches the edges of the top of a double bed. I need to add at least  one if not two more rounds of flowers so that there is an overhang. Once that is done I'll be able to add incomplete rounds to make the quilt the right finished size.. The next round is red and I already have 24 'flowers' made. I need 48 flowers to complete the round. Here's a photo I took of the quilt so far. I couldn't get it all in the picture. Because I'm adding flowers made of hexagons the quilt is hexagonal in shape. This is why I'll start to make it into a rectangle as it grows.

Getting the last row finished has been my slow stitching for today. I might have made a start on the next round but we had our grandson visit for the day.  He is very cute and is full of gurgles and giggles. Missy is fascinated by him and he managed to grab her tail today. We took them both out for a long walk so that his mom Katy could get on with some lesson preparation ready for going back to work at the start of the term.


The hot weather finally broke and we had a thunderstorm and lots of rain on Tuesday. Since then the temperature has been more comfortable. The garden still needs lots more rain but at least the plants look a little healthier.

I'm linking this post with Kathy from Kathy's quilts for her Slow Sunday Stitching.  Tomorrow I'm hoping to do some work on my quilted jacket but we have some errands to do first. I also have some marking to finish.

Take care 



  1. Ooh......isn't he a cutie. The quilt is progressing nicely & as you are back at work, I can understand not getting as much done. Take care & hugs.

  2. Your little grandson looks delightful. What did Missy think when he grabbed her tail, I wonder?

  3. TOO cute!!! Thanks for sharing that photo of your adorable grandson, Lyndsey. Wonderful that you were able to have him for the day while Katy worked on her lesson plans!
