Tuesday, 7 June 2016

Opposites attract.


Hi everyone sorry that you couldn't access my post yesterday, unfortunately it was scheduled but due to lack of internet access it didn't go live. I wrote my post last Thursday as I knew I wouldn't have time to sort it over the weekend. Unfortunately my father in law died last Thursday and it threw us into slight chaos. It also meant my project didn't get completely finished but it is a completed top.

I love opposites when it comes to colours. As a child my favourite colour combination used to be orange and purple. It sounds really jarring but I used to be able to carry it off. Since then I've still kept my love of colour but I've toned it down slightly.

For this hop I went with the tried and tested version of a dark colour and a light colour as the opposite. I usually love using white as any colour you pair it with it always looks crisp and clean. For this quilt I decided to use grey as the light colour. Marion said we could use up to 3 colours so I also picked two shades of blue to give a male look to the quilt.

Ha you're wondering which lucky man was the quilt made for? Well he is male but he's a male dog. Buddy is a two year old but quite large as he is a mastiff labrador cross. He belongs to Lucy's boyfriend Richard and when they got him I promised I'd make him a quilt (once he was full sized)  He's certainly full sized now and weighs in at 40 plus KG. I had to take the picture indoors as last Thursday it was raining in London. Now we are enjoying a heat wave.

I love the way the blocks make patterns with the colours. It took me ages working out the layout but I am pleased with how it looks. I had planned to get the quilt finished over the weekend. I am just going to do in the ditch quilting. The backing fabric is in the same colours but in a camouflage pattern.

Here is a picture of Buddy after he had wrecked the sofa and cushions when he came for Christmas. When he wants to he curls up quite small.

Here's his opposite in size, little Scamp tucked up in his basket during the May bank holiday weekend when he was unwell. Yep you can see the floor boards but not for much longer. The work on the house is moving along quite quickly now.

There is also a give away today. Click on the link below to take part.

Finally you need to visit the other blogs taking part today. I'll add the other blog addresses later this morning as I can't find them on my email at the moment but for now visit Seams to be sew to see today's schedule

I'm off to catch up on the blogs I've missed since last Wednesday. I'm enjoying seeing which opposites attract.



  1. I am so sorry for your loss.
    Buddy is so lucky to get such a sweet quilt. Hope he will share it with Scamp. It must be interesting having the two dogs together.

  2. Great little quilt. Buddy and Scamp are adorable. Is that Scamp's very own quilt that he is under?

  3. Great project. You are a trooper!!

  4. Your quilt is lovely and your fur children are adorable! The photos make me smile.

  5. Sorry for your family's loss. What a lucky dog to have a quilt of his own.

  6. Thanks for sharing. We sure are dependent on our internet.

  7. Hes a big baby i bet...Nice doggy quilt he will love it.... happyness04431@yahoo.com

  8. I like Scamp's quilt colors. lucky dog! lol

  9. I'm sorry for your loss. Your quilt is lovely, and I love your idea of making quilts for dogs to cuddle up with!

  10. Lucky Buddy!!! Nice job....so sorry for your loss.

  11. What a lucky dog, thats a great little quilt. So sorry for you loss.

  12. Thanks so much for sharing! And I am also so sorry for your loss.

  13. Cute idea adding pics of your opposite size pooches. Wish I could see that quilt in person to see the colors...you know how every monitor is a little off in colors. This one looks great. I like that you used a more unusual color combo.

  14. Buddy is happy to have his own quilt. 24Tangent@gmail.com

  15. So sorry about your father-in-law. Love the picture of Scamp. Good dog.

  16. Like my cats, it is good your dogs are not spoiled, lol.Thanks for sharing.

  17. Looks like Buddy's mommy love him lots! Great quilt for the lil guy! LOL!!!

  18. I am so sorry about your father in law - may you find peace!

  19. Very nice project you made for Buddy. Thanks for sharing.

  20. I love the arrangement you used-- those 9 patches are so fun! Such a lucky pup!

  21. Your quilt top looks great, I do like the layout you came up with. My sympathy to you and your family at this difficult time.

  22. I love your quilt and the color combination that you used. Thanks!

    Please click on the delaineelliott above for my email link.

  23. So sorry to hear about your FIL. Lucky pups...so cute, and the quilt turned out lovely. I hope Buddy appreciates it!! thanks for sharing.

  24. Sorry to hear about your Father-in-Law. Your quilt looks great.

  25. I love big dogs, my first dog was a Labrador, he was golden in color tho.. our 2nd dog was part german shepherd, part lab.. fully black in color like yours. If we had a pet, he'd have a quilt. I love Scamp to, what a little cutie. I'm so happy you were able to participate with us today Lyndsey, I know it couldn't have been easy with everything you've had to deal with over the last few days. Thank you for participating in Opposites Attract and I hope we'll see you for many more events in the future.

  26. Love it and I am sure buddy will too xx
    Iain.ross30 at gmail dot com

  27. I'm so sorry for your loss. Of course that threw things into chaos! I'm glad you were able to access the internet so we could see what you worked on. Alternating colors in the nine patches really makes them different looking! Good colors for a male, even if it's a dog. =) Thanks for sharing. desertskyquilts.wordpress.com

  28. Under the circumstances, lm amazed you made it this far. Your quilt is very pretty. I'm a dog person myself so I understand. Your little guy is a cutie.

  29. Very pretty quilt. Lucky dog to get something so nice. Our wonderful pets deserve something nice too.

  30. Our fur babies KNOW how to enjoy our efforts, nice quilt.

  31. Our fur babies KNOW how to enjoy our efforts, nice quilt.

  32. What a gorgeous quilt! (I think I'd like it in purples and orange too!)

  33. Neat Quilt! Thanks for sharing!

  34. This comment has been removed by the author.

  35. Sorry for your loss. Great Buddy quilt!

  36. Love your quilt. So sorry about your pup.

  37. Nice quilt for a good purpose. The doggie in the basket covered by a quilt.... priceless.

    tushay3 (at) yahoo (dot) com
