Friday 2 February 2024

February plans

This morning felt like a bit of a rush. Although it is my none working day I had arranged a meeting with a student and her mentor. We hold these meetings every 12 weeks to ensure the student is progressing well and there are no major problems.  The mentor had lots of questions and so the meeting took quite a time. As soon as it finished I needed to be on my way to the hospital for my MRI abdomen scan. They didn't think I would need any contrast medium given by injection but in the end I did. That meant the MRI took longer than planned. It is an odd experience but not frightening. I spent my time concentrating on my breathing which was useful as at times I had to hold my breath. Without holding your breath the abdomen will move as you breathe. I was very impressed with the unit, it was new, very modern and clean and bright. The staff were friendly and helpful. Once home I decided to finish watching my Agatha Christie murder mystery to chill out and relax. I'd intended to do some knitting whilst I watched it but I became engrossed in the storyline. Next up John and I went for a walk to get our daily exercise so it was afternoon before I was able to start planning my February sewing.

The Chookshed stitchers challenge for the month is number 2. My number 2 project is to progress my Red Manor House quilt by completing the next round. So far I have completed this much.

Here is a photo of a completed version of this quilt from the Festival of Quilts 2023. This was made by Brenda Otter and Lynda Edmunton from Abergele UK.

My version has been languishing in a project bag for some time and the reason is simple. The arrow blocks in the next round are paper pieced and I don't like paper piecing.  I managed to make the cute diamond blocks but I paper piece so rarely that I forget how to do it and have to re-educate myself in the technique. The animals ,plant and birds in this round are appliqued and I've already made a start on them by completing the plant blocks. Guess I'll just have to get the next round made or you'll all be calling me a wuss.

For this challenge I didn't complete my January goal which was to complete the little poppy embroidery. In fact I did no work on this project at all. This is how far I've got with the piece. I need an audio book to listen to whilst I stitch.

I want to finish the baby quilt I've made for my colleague. There is just the binding to stitch down, so shouldn't take long.

I need to sandwich and quilt the top I created last month so that it can be donated. I also want to finish the mystery quilt along I joined. This quilt will also be a donation quilt. I intended joining in with the rainbow challenge in January but run out of time so I will need to make a green block and a block for this months colour. It sounds like it's going to be a busy month so I need to be super organised since we are going on another bird watching trip next weekend and at the end of the month we are away in the Isle of Wight. At least there is an extra day in February this year to help fit everything in.

Take care



  1. You have a lot of "balls in the air" with all your plans. Guess the red manor house will be quite a long term project, but as you know, every little bit helps. MRIs are certainly an interesting experience, sending you best wishes for a good result.

  2. The red manor house is so pretty! I think adding another round in February should be doable.
    Sorry you had to go through an MRI and are dealing with health stuff. I think I would have had claustrophobia.

  3. Hope your MRI came with good results.
    I'm not very good at knitting while watching anything halfway interesting on tv!
    Love that Red Manor House quilt! (I'm so into red right now!). Good luck on your paper-piecing. I'm the same--rarely do it and have to re-learn it a bit. Mistakes will happen but the results from it are so nice! About 5 years ago I did an entirely paper-pieced quilt and questioned my sanity most of the time but the finish had me thinking I just might do it again....maybe every 5 years or so! LOL

  4. The MRI sounds...unpleasant. Hope everything is well with that. Maybe you could appliqué on the arrows instead of paper piecing? Enjoy your bird watching trip!
