Sunday 28 July 2024


This week has been a bit of a whirlwind. On Tuesday, John phoned me to say he was going to see our older daughter who phoned to say she wasn't feeling well and wondered if either of us were free. She was going very dizzy and was worried as she had her son at home with her. John went over on the train and once I finished work I headed to her house. I had a lovely time playing with little one and reading him stories. Having rested, our daughter was feeling  a little better but we stayed until little one was in bed and asleep and her partner had arrived home from work.  Wednesday was a day of back to back meetings followed by teaching on Thursday morning and graduation in the afternoon. The ceremony finished at 6 and I met up with my students before heading home. It was 9 p.m. when I got home and I was ready for bed. Friday was my none working day and I went over to older daughter's house to help her with some wedding preparations.  I'm looking forward to the wedding but I need to find a new dress and I've only got three weeks to do it.

Today I finally got time to get my sewing machine out and make the last three of the triceratops dinosaurs.

Here are the three I made earlier this month.

Completing these 6 dinosaurs was my one monthly goal for July. I'm please to have completed this goal and I'm linking this post with Anne-Marie from Stories from the sewing room for the OMG end of month link up of One Monthly goal.  I now have one last set of 6 dinosaurs to make. I'm looking forward to making the T Rex. 

There are still a few days left of July to get as far as I can with the red round of the Grandmother's garden quilt. I'm not sure I'll get the whole round done.  Tomorrow I'm at work but I only have 4 days to work before my holiday. On Friday I'm going to the Festival of Quilts at the NEC. I'm hoping the weather will be good as I'm driving. Now I need to sort some things out ready for tomorrow.

Take care



  1. I really like the purple one! Way to do so well on your goal!

  2. Well done on completing your dinosaurs. This will be such a fun quilt and you are getting closer to the finish line.

  3. What a lovely array of dinosaurs! I'm sure you will have fun at the quilt show.

  4. Congrats on completing your dino blocks.
