Monday 28 May 2018

One monthly goal completed

Take me to the May OMG LInk-up

May has been a good month for sewing and completing goals. I set myself a main goal of completing Mathilda, one of the bag lady embroideries. I finished her with time to spare and have since been working on my millennium sampler during my hand stitching time which I'll continue until the end of the month. So here's the completed Mathilda.

I also gave myself a second goal which was to complete the quilting on my compass quilt. I've spent a lot of time over the last few days working on this quilt and a little while ago I finished up the quilting  and trimmed it ready to add the binding. I haven't cut and stitched the binding yet so it will have to wait until tomorrow. We are supposed to be going out tomorrow  but I'll try to get it attached to the quilt before we leave.

As usual Scamp wanted to get in on the photo but wouldn't look at the camera. I had fun playing with the quilting  and did several patterns from this book.

I know I need a lot more practice but it was such fun to try out different designs and I'm very happy with my first attempts.

I 'm really pleased that the quilt looks as good as it does. Don't get too up close and personal with the quilt because you'll see all it's faults. Last year when I made the quilt blocks I had a lot of problems concentrating and my cutting wasn't as accurate as it should have been, my ability to match seams was also rather suspect . This year my neuropathy has made the quilting difficult at times but it has been very enjoyable. As this quilt is staying with me I just let it happen, faults and all. It was amazing occupational therapy and it did it's job of keeping my mind and hands active and involved in my hobby. The fabric for this quilt was my Christmas present from John for 2016 and it's given me hours of pleasure to date and will continue to do so for a long time to come.

A while back I made this dress. When I say a while back I mean 2016 and today I wore it for the first time.

I look a bit grumpy but I was looking into the sun. As you can see my hair is growing back quite fast. Currently it is rather curly but as it gains more length the weight should pull it into a wave rather than tight curls. Anyway I've given it permission to do whatever it wants as I'm just very pleased to have hair again.

I'm off to bed soon and I'll spend a little time trying to decide on my one monthly goal for June. There are several possibilities but I want a goal that will stretch me a little but that I stand a chance of being able to complete. For now I'm linking this post with Elm street Quilts for May finish link up  

Plans for tomorrow... machine sew on the binding to the front of the compass quilt and think about making the label. 



  1. She came out wonderful. Thanks for linking up with Elm Street Quilts One Monthly Goal and congrats on your finish!

  2. Congratulations getting your OMG finished. I think mine will be finished today. You look marvelous, my dear.

  3. well, you have me quite impressed with that quilting! And dress making too. You are a talented woman and curls are good!

  4. I love Matilda! Your quilt is stunning. A new dress always is a nice pick-me-up. My hair did the same thing...curly, then more wavy, when it grew back.
