Monday 7 January 2019

It's Monday and I did some sewing!

It's Monday 7th January and I had to return to work. Oh the horror of opening my email and finding hundreds of messages needing to be dealt with and when did those meetings get put in my calendar even though there's no space.for them. The teaching was fun and I did manage to get some admin done but my to do list is longer than ever. Although I got into work at 7:45 this morning I didn't leave until 18:30 and I drove home grumbling quite loudly to myself.

Back at home I decided I needed to get some sewing in to lift my spirits. A little more of the quilting on Alex's quilt should make it all better. I set up my machine on the dining table and had about 30 to 40 minutes free before dinner would be ready. All was going fine when Scamp arrived and kept on tapping my leg with his paw. I picked him up and he lay across my lap. I had almost finished the block I was working on when Picasso jumped up as well. John took a picture at this point.

I could cope with Scamp lying across my lap. He hangs his head down and is soon snoring quietly but Picasso  is a real pain. If you don't take notice of him immediately he gets annoyed. I didn't completely finish the block I was working on but at least I moved the quilting forward a little.

I didn't get anything else done because Richard started a discussion about Brexit and a huge argument followed. That was odd as we all voted the same way so we didn't need to argue. Now that's all calmed down and and we can't work out how the argument started so to chill out before bed I'm going to catch up on my blog reading and do a few rows of knitting.

Tomorrow I have to go into work for a meeting in the morning but I need to come home after it because I have my mammogram appointment at 13:30. That doesn't usually take long and then I can take Scamp for a walk before getting on with my quilting. My January goal is to finish this quilt. I haven't booked a date to visit Alex but I need the quilt done so it's ready whenever we can fit the visit in.



  1. What a cute photo of you and your fur babies, it is apparent they missed you. Isn't it amazing how a little time behind the sewing machine can soothe us? Hoping for a good report from your mammogram.

  2. Oh, where would we be without our little sewing helpers?

  3. You certainly have been "quilting with pets". Best of luck for good results from your mammogram.
