Friday 12 January 2024

9 patch and pin wheels

It's Friday and this is my free day. When I say free day I mean I'm not at work since I work four days a week. I turned the alarm off when it rang at 6 a.m. and went back to sleep until 7. I love taking my morning tea back to bed on my day off and being able to read a chapter (or so) of my book. Last year I read 25 books, so this year I've set a target of 30. I started the second book of the year this morning. After a few pages I decided I needed to get a move on as I had some housework to do and I wanted to do some sewing. Having finished the various chores John and I decided to fit our walk in before lunch. The weather here is cold but dry, plus the sun was shining so it was pleasant weather for a walk. We also saw several birds including a green woodpecker, redwings, starlings, a jay, greenfinches, blue tits, parakeets, magpies, crows, a robin and a lot of town pigeons. Back at home again I set up my sewing machine. I wanted to get the rest of the pin wheels made and I had some nine patches I wanted to make. I now have 26 pinwheels.

Some have already been trimmed but the rest will get trimmed on Sunday. The pin wheels are  for number 6 off my year to do list. No 6 is this months number for the Chookshed Stitchers Challenge. I'm linking this post with the Mid month check in..

I also made 13 nine patch blocks. I want these for another project and I'm enjoying using up a lot of scraps

Whilst I was sewing Missy decided she needed to help and she jumped on my lap. The last time I had my machine out she did this. I think she is a little jealous of the machine, since I like spending time with it. I got John to take a photo. 

She didn't stay around for long, and was soon asleep on her mat.  Later in the afternoon John did some DIY and so having made my blocks I packed my machine away. While John was busy I found some left over yarn and practised the pattern for the cardigan I'm knitting. The chart made no sense to me at first but I soon worked it out. Now I can start work on the lace pattern. 

This evening Lucy finished off her crocheted rabbit. I bought the kit for her some time ago. She had never done any crochet before but fancied  having a go.  She has done really well to teach herself how to do it and how to follow the pattern and create this really cute rabbit.

She is currently finishing a blanket she's making and will then be creating an octopus.

Tomorrow John and I are going on a coach trip to Slimbridge. We have to be up early as it is quite a long drive but I'm good at sleeping on coaches. We last visited Slimbridge in early December but many of the migrant birds that usually visit, hadn't arrived. Hopefully there will be lots of birds to see. Anyway there will be no sewing tomorrow but I will probably take some embroidery with me. There is a nice heated hide or the cafe if I get too cold and I can spend some time stitching. We have nothing booked for Sunday so I'm hoping to get some more sewing time.

Take care



  1. That crochet bunny is super cute! Congrats on making time for working on Challenge #6! I did not know that there are parakeets in the UK. I thought they were all tropical birds unless kept in cages! :)

  2. The crochet rabbit is unbelievable; so glad you shared it for Lucy.
    The pinwheels are looking great - I tend to gravitate toward blues. I also love the cute little animals in the fabrics you are using in your 9 patches.
    Glad you have a 4 day work week and can sleep in a little, sew, and go for a walk.

  3. Isnt Missy a cutie! Enjoy your day trip to see the birds.

  4. Good progress on your No #6. Cute Bunny.

  5. Well done on getting your pinwheels done.
