Saturday 18 May 2024

A new family member and being unwell

I'm sorry I've been so slow posting this week but when I'm not at work my time has been taken up with a new family member. On Monday evening after work we visited a lady who had one male Yorkshire Terrier puppy left. When I'd first contacted her she had three boys and one girl and I reserved a boy. As we were away over the weekend it was decided that we would visit on Monday and if he liked us and the feeling was mutual, he would join the family. He is so cute but we still haven't decided completely on his name. He has been very good so far and he and Missy have made friends and are playing together. Fortunately Missy is very gentle with him and lets him play with her ball and tug rope. She looks very big next to him. I had to clean the floor as Missy got so excited she kept rushing in and out to the garden and tramped mud in. Pup needs to have his next lot of vaccines before he can go outside. Before that we'll have to check for small gaps that he may use to escape from the garden.

His favourite resting place is on top of Missy's tug rope.  Currently it's really difficult to get a good clear photo of him.

I was going to tell you about our trip last weekend but by Tuesday I started feeling very unwell and I still don't feel very good. Not sure if it's covid or flu. Either way I needed to retire to bed and have been sleeping most of the time. I'm now feeling slightly better but I won't be doing much for a while. Hopefully by tomorrow I'll have some energy to post about our trip.

The other thing I wanted to say was that I thought I wasn't get many comments as they weren't feeding back to my email account. My son has now sorted that out for me. It has been an intermittent fault for some time. Anyway my apologises. I love receiving your comments and will reply to you all once I feel slightly more human.

Take care



  1. A new puppy, how exciting. Do hope you get to the bottom of your sickness, and get well soon. If you suspect Covid, I'm sure you could take a Covid testcat home.

  2. Awwww…what a sweety. Sorry you’re not feeling well. Hope you feel better soon. Barbara @ Cat patches.

  3. Congrats on your new pup, Lyndsey! Sorry to hear that you came down with something after your last trip. Feel better soon!

  4. He is a cutie! Puppies are easy to love!
