Monday 20 May 2024

On the road again!


I love a road trip, or rail trip or any kind of trip to be exact. Getting out and about and doing new things, meeting new friends feels so good. Carol at Just Let Me Quilt had a blog hop challenge to show ways of travel by any means or a place to travel to.

I had a lot of ideas and had planned this project to make a start on a new quilt for my brother. When we visited him earlier this year he mentioned he would like another quilt and I agreed I would make him one. When this hop was announced I remembered  I had a piece of embroidery my mom had made and that it would be perfect as the centre piece of Alex's new quilt. Some research for the applique blocks followed and then at the beginning of May I got sidetracked!

Earlier this month Sue, a friend of mine, asked me if I would make her a baby quilt for her first grandchild which is due early June. Sue doesn't sew but is always interested in the process so I suggested I help her make the quilt. Going back several years I helped my younger daughter Lucy make a quilt for her then boyfriend's birthday. It had been a fun experience and now I could share my quilting love with my friend. We searched my stash for suitable fabric. I've made several baby quilts so far this year and so supplies were a little limited but we found enough for what we needed. Sue has fun learning to use the rotary cutter and no fingers were injured in the experience. Next onto the sewing machine. Sue found the learning experience like a road trip in itself!

As we both work there was limited time to make the quilt but by the weekend of May 10th we had the top made

 and had chosen the backing fabric. 

Is space too far for a road trip! In a child's imagination they can do anything.

Unfortunately because I was ill this quilt did not get finished over the weekend but we have a plan for later this week. We are hoping baby doesn't decide to arrive early. It was fun showing my friend the process of  making a quilt and she has enjoyed it. She now wants to learn more and so we have a visit to a quilt shop planned for fabric plus she's planning on buying a sewing machine. Growing up, I always thought that all homes had a sewing machine because all my mom's friends and all my relatives did. I am so pleased my mom was into sewing, knitting, crocheting and made sure I learnt how to do them.

As for Alex's new quilt, it is still in the making and although some blocks are made, the final design isn't complete either on paper or in my mind. Once the baby quilt is finished I can give Alex's quilt my full attention.

Quilts are always part of the road trips John and I make. We have a quilt in each of our cars which are great for picnics.

Thank you for stopping by and here is the list of people taking part in this hop. Thank you Carol for organising the hop.

MAY 20

Take care



  1. I love that your shared your love of quilting with your friend. The baby will have a treasured keepsake that truly came from the heart!

  2. Cute baby quilt and how nice to have your friend learn through the process!

  3. I can't wait to see your brother's quilt. I think it's marvelous that you're making it with the embroidery your mom made. It's grand that your teaching your friend to sew. New sewers are always welcomed. LJ here.

  4. Cute fabrics for the baby quilt. I look forward to seeing your brother's quilt!

  5. What an adorable baby quilt (I do love Thomas the Train) and the space fabric definitely meets the "On The Road Again" challenge. I hadn't thought about it, but I always think everyone has a sewing machine in their house and I'm surprised when they don't! LOL Thanks for sharing your roadie project and I look forward to seeing your brother's quilt.

  6. What a cute quilt! I love that backing fabric. Hope you're feeling better by now.

  7. You and your friend made a great baby quilt!!! Good for you, taking the time to teach her all the steps!! She'll really appreciate it in the future when the baby is having tummy time! Good luck with your brother's quilt! I'm looking forward to seeing it!

  8. Isn't it fun to share quilting with a friend and help them find joy in quilting? I love the quilt you made, especially the Thomas the tank engine.
    Thank you for sharing.

  9. The baby quilt is fun and colorful, and such a nice way to spend time with a friend! Thanks for sharing.

  10. Oh, I've been so tempted by that Thomas Fabric! My oldest was a huge Thomas fan. Lovely work!

  11. Last I checked, getting to space counts as a trip. If nothing else your need to be transported to your local launch site. Anyway I see trains on the front of the quilt so this baby is all set to travel. Love that you have taught your friend enough to get her hooked on the quilting adventure.

  12. I love the Thomas the train fabric. Such a cute quilt

  13. What a fun child's quilt. Great color and space is definitely in a child's mind for travel.
