Monday 27 May 2024

Quick, slow slow Sunday stitching.

Sunday is my favourite day of the week. I can have a lie in bed reading for a while with no alarm to shout at me at 6 a.m. or any other time. We always have a family dinner which is a chance to catch up with what everyone has been doing and I can do some slow stitching. This Sunday I did however start by getting my sewing machine out. Having not used it for a fortnight I was needing some sewing time. I had two dinosaur blocks cut and ready to go so I started my day with them.  They both went together quickly and easily. The instructions are very clear and this pattern is a pleasure to make. I soon had a yellow and an orange brachiosaurus.

I want to get the other four in this set made before the end of the month, that would then leave two more sets of dinosaurs to make before I can put this quilt together.

Having satisfied my need for some sewing time I switched to slow stitching. I have finished my cardigan I was knitting and had made a start on the jumper. The pattern comprises 4 rows and there is only ever knit stitches  but you have to slip stitches as if you are purling them sometimes with the yarn at the back and sometimes at the front of the work. This had me a little confused at first but I now have the pattern clearly in my head. Here is how far I've got. I love the colour of the yarn and the texturing of the pattern is fabulous.

I had also made a plan to hand quilt the mystery quilt I joined in with. My thinking was I had done something new to me following a mystery quilt along so why not follow through and hand quilt it. This is another new to me activity. Many years ago someone bought me a quilting hoop. I tried hand quilting with and without the hoop and for me the hoop was easier. I'm not going to be doing anything special with the quilting. I just want to get the hang of hand quilting and getting my stitches even. It is quite a relaxing experience. You can just about make out the one line of stitching in the photo below. I'm using a variegated thread that goes well with the fabric.

I'm linking this post with Kathy from Kathy's quilts for her Slow Sunday Stitching. I'm going to pop over and see what everyone has been working on. I love to see the different hand stitching projects. Kathy does a range of projects including really pretty cross stitch.

Tomorrow I'll tell you about our last weekend away. Having been unwell I still need to take the photos off my camera. 

Take care



  1. Hand quilting is a nice thing to do, and very relaxing. Although I'm no expert, I've hand quilted several smaller quilts in my time. And I'm currently working on big stitch quilting, must get it out again. Your dinosaurs are coming along nicely.

  2. Oh my gosh…those dinosaur blocks are so cute! Barbara @ Cat Patches

  3. I love Sundays too. They are peaceful and relaxing. I usually take a nap after church.
    I think it is great that you are learning to hand quilt. My mother, her friends, and my grandmothers did it, so of course, I started thinking I could/should hand quilt all of my quilts. Well, I do love hand quilting but have not done it in many years. I make too many to hand quilt them anymore. I do worry that it is a dying thing that we need to keep alive and teach the young how to do.
