Saturday 22 June 2024

Friday and Saturday sewing.

 After my restful weekend, this week decided to be a real pain. Too much to do at work and little Twiglet causing stress by getting hold of and eating some chocolate. Work is manageable but a sick puppy is very stressful. He had a trip to the vet, antiemetics, extra fluid and rest. He has fully recovered and is a little cutie but into everything. Having had all his vaccinations we are now able to take him out for walks and he loves playing chase with Missy at the park. Since it was a busy and rather stressful week, very little sewing, knitting and reading or writing blog posts got done. I was pleased when it was Friday and I wasn't working. I needed to do some chores first but then I was free to do some sewing. 

My monthly goal for June was to add the Irish chain border to the Red Manor House quilt. I needed 4 lots of fabric for this. I found 2 pieces of suitable fabric in my stash and bought two more. I started by cutting the fabrics  into strips and then sewing the strips together. These were cut, rearranged and sewn together into 9 patch blocks. The blocks were then sewn together to make the borders. By the end of Friday I had added two sides to the quilt.

On Saturday we were supposed to be going on a bird watching trip but John was unwell so I identified that I would have time to complete the Border and also add the next border.  I managed this but it wasn't without incident. I sewed one of the 9 patches on the wrong way round and didn't spot the mistake until both borders were complete. I was lucky that I didn't have to unpick too much to correct the error.

As I still had some time  I decided to make a start on the Christmas angels. They are mainly hand sewn. 

By the time I was ready to pack up for the day I had sewn the head and hair together and made her arms ( the skinny strip on the right.) I cut all the pieces I needed to make one angel. The fun thing about the angels is that they are sewing angels, one even has a sewing machine.

I still have another sewing day tomorrow and I want to cut the fabric for the next dinosaur blocks. I also need to finish my blog post about out visit to Stourhead. I've had a fun day and I'm looking forward to getting more sewing done tomorrow.

Take care



  1. So much to do, you are busy with all those projects on the go. But then that's how we quilters seem to work.

  2. the angels are cute as can be! Summer is the best time for Christmas projects who has time at Christmas time right? LoL I know about busy & life things in general,I'm working towards a lockdown with myself to get things done🤣
