Sunday 2 June 2024

June already!

Wow the last five months have whizzed by and here we are at the beginning of June. Yesterday, June 1st wasn't very promising at all but today the sun has reappeared and it really is starting to feel like late spring before we welcome summer later in the month. The beginning of the month is always the time for making plans for the months sewing and other craft activities as well as looking forward to any outings we have booked. Let's start with the sewing plans.

The Chookshed stitchers challenge this month is number 10. My number 10 was to do some sashiko embroidery. I was given a pre printed sashiko pattern last year and became interested in this style of embroidery.

As you can see it gives you information on how to work the piece as well as the pattern. I did make a start last year but I wasn't happy with how it looked and so unpicked it. You can see the messy bit in the middle near the bottom of the photo.

Last night having re read all the instructions of how to start  ( no knots) I had another go and I like the results so far. It's very soothing taking time and keeping the stitches even. Today being Sunday, this will be my slow Sunday stitching.

As always when you try something new , someone else jumps in and gifts other items to help you develop the craft. Todays quilter included the booklet about sashiko and a pattern for a runner. I was then given the book, thread and needles.  Todays Quilter also included some sashiko stencils that I may use on a project I want to do later in the year using some old denim jeans. 

I'm really looking forward to working on this project this month.

I need to help Sue to finish the quilt for her soon to be born grandchild. This has to be done so there is no point in setting it as a goal. Therefore my goal for this challenge will be to complete the next round of the Red Manor House quilt. The next round requires 2.5.inch squares. I am making this quilt from my scraps as far as possible so I need to source quite a number of red, blue and white/cream squares. I need to surf the scraps boxes and then get cutting. Here is the quilt so far, sorry about Missy in the middle of it.

I will also try to make 6 Triceratops for the dinosaur quilt. I think I have at least three sewing days written into my diary.  The dinosaurs take quite a lot of concentration to make. I will also continue hand quilting the mystery quilt and I need to think of a name for it.

This month I would also like to do some more work on my dolls house. I have now varnished all the floors but need to get the stairs finished. At some point I need to sort out the electrics as well. It is all taking a lot longer than I planned

I have vet appointments booked for both Twiglet and Missy for their vaccinations and Missy has a grooming appointment later in the month. John and I will be going away for a weekend in Somerset and we have a bird watching trip to Arne in Dorset booked. I'm going to the theatre with my older daughter next Friday evening which will be fun. 

I'm linking this post with Dreamworthy Quilts for the June Chookshed Challenge link up and Stories from The Sewing Room for the June One monthly goal planning link up

Take care



  1. You have lots planned this month to keep you busy.

  2. You are Jo are going to get me hooked on Sashiko by the end of the year, I am afraid. The pattern you have is gorgeous! Good luck with this worthy goal!

  3. I've been intriqued by Sashiko but have resisted picking up yet another craft - at least so far. Can't wait to see yours finished.

  4. Your Sashiko stitching is so pretty. It sounds like you have a wonderful month planned. I'll look forward to hearing about it at the end of the month.
