Tuesday 8 October 2024

Quilt top finished.

Yesterday was a nothing but sewing day and I had a lovely day. I made a slow start as I wanted to read a couple of chapters of my current book. Twiglet offered to keep me company and sniggled close while I read. It was like having a very warm hot water bottle next to me. It's a wonder I didn't fall asleep. I had got the dinosaur quilt as far as 6 separate panels and I'd shared this photo. Not a great photo but you get the idea of how it will look.

I'd planned to try and complete the quilt top and in the event that proved very easy. It did take quite a time to do as the quilt top is heavy but by lunch time it was finished and pressed.

There is a good overhang on each side and the bottom row of dinosaurs was hanging over the end of the bed. I still need to clear all the threads and then set up the quilt sandwich.

Whilst making this quilt I've had time to reflect on the pattern and how I went about making it. First a good designer will give clear and easy to understand instructions, backed up by diagrams. However reading all the instructions before you start makes it much easier to work on. This was an Elizabeth Hartman pattern and I can recommend it if you have a dinosaur lover you need to make a quilt for. I will be making another of her quilts as I have both the Cats in Pyjamas and the Dogs in Sweaters patterns.

This quilt has a lot of small pieces and this adds to the weight of the quilt. If, like me, your wrists and arms get tired moving large heavy quilts around or if your eyes get tired then you need to make the quilt in easy chunks. There are 4 different dinosaurs in the quilt and each kind is made in 6 colours.  My original plan was to make a set of 6 dinosaurs a month but I found making three worked well and gave me time to work on other projects. I started the first dinosaurs in January and finished in September so a nice well paced project. Today I decided to finish the top and as I sewed the panels together it got heavier and heavier. Fortunately my wrists didn't start aching so no problems.

For this quilt I cut all the background fabric, sashing and borders and some of the dinosaur fabric at the beginning.  I wouldn't do that again as it left me with sore wrists for several days. I also found the sashing fabric became a bit 'fluffy' at the edges which meant I have more threads than usual to sort out.

My last thoughts are about patterns and fabrics. I've made a couple of quilts for friends using their pattern and fabric. For me these are important aspects of enjoying my hobby. I love bright and happy fabrics and I don't particularly like working with dark or muted colours. The feel of the fabric also makes a difference. I will still makes quilts for friends, even using fabrics or patterns I'm not keen on but I'll be careful to give myself some joy by also working on something that makes me feel happy.

Having finished the quilt top I took some time out to do some ironing before moving on to the next project. I pulled out the Red Manor House quilt as I haven't worked on this for a while.

The next round on this quilt is a series of appliques. I have the patterns already but I need to pull the fabrics I am going to use. I also need to find the fabric I had identified for the backgrounds. This isn't in my plans for the month but I would like to move this project forward. Tomorrow, I need to make some decisions about the fabrics I have pulled from my stash. Auditioning fabrics can be quite a tricky process 

I am now working the next 4 days so any sewing or knitting will be done in the evening. Today and Wednesday I am working away from London so I will be late home and any sewing I do will be hand stitching. Sunday will be my next sewing day.  

Take care


  1. MarjoriesBusyCorner8 October 2024 at 14:20

    Lyndsey....both quilts are adorable

  2. Congratulations on getting the dino top together, Lyndsey!

  3. Great job putting all the dinosaurs together.
