Saturday 12 October 2024

The end of another week

The work week is over and now is the time for some sewing and for some fun. Yesterday morning I had some household chores to do but I started the day by taking Missy and Twiglet to the park. We spent nearly a hour walking round and Missy enjoyed chasing her ball while Twiglet enjoyed chasing Missy. The grass was wet and at first Twiglet didn't want to get his paws wet but he eventually joined in the game. Back home I finished the jobs I needed to do in the kitchen and then spent some time finding fabric for the an embroidery project I want to start before the end of the year. At the same time I found some fabric to make a dress which I hope to get sewn together next Friday. Having found the fabric I can cut out the pattern pieces when I have time over the coming week. Yesterday, I wanted to work on my double wedding ring quilt. The pattern is from Today's Quilter.

Earlier in the year I'd cut some fabrics to make the rings. I knew I would need to practice this as I don't often sew curves. In this quilt there aren't any straight lines.

Once I'd sewn some of the segments I laid the pieces out to see how they would fit together. Some of the segments turned out a little 'iffy' until I mastered the technique.

I had bought a little extra fabric so I could practice and I eventually got the hang of it. Next up was to add the center part .  I cut the centers I needed for the first row. I pressed the 9 inch squares into four and the cut using the template. I needed to stay alert so I remembered to put the template to the folds as required.

I used some of the 'iffy' segments to have a practice sewing the ring together and my first attempt was again 'iffy'. I wasn't too upset with it as it won't be used in the quilt. I decided it was time to get on with making a few rings with blue middles. In order to ensure the pieces all met as they should, each unit took quite a while to make. I'm hoping the time to make each one will get less as I become more efficient. Below is the test unit that won't be used in the quilt The join on the top right is more about the 'iffy' segment and I was pleased with the two lower joins.

I was tired when I'd managed to make a couple and it was time to tidy things away before getting ready to go out.

Our evening out last night was to the theatre to see 'Come from Away'. I 've seen it before as Lucy and I went a couple of years ago. It's a musical about the 7,000 air passengers from all over the world who were grounded in Canada in the wake of 9/11, and the small Newfoundland community who invited them into their lives. I'm was really looking forward to seeing it again. 

The theatre was packed with all seats sold. I took a photo of the stage setting before it began.

Having seen it before I knew the cast moved the chairs and tables around as the action  progresses. The musical was as amazing as I remembered it. John tells me he doesn't like musicals but he was completely blown away by the experience. It covers all emotions from very sad to very happy and includes difficult topics including race, religion, terrorism and death but provides an incredible uplifting experience.  The cast were full of energy and it is very fast moving. The play run straight through, so no interval but once it was finished the theatre bar stayed open and the musicians played in the bar. We stayed a while and enjoyed the experience.

Today is the Stitching and Knitting show at Alexandra Palace and we have tickets. I have a couple of items I want to buy and I love to see the graduate show work on display. I'll tell you about it tomorrow.

Take care


1 comment:

  1. What a wonderful play that must gave been. I remember reading about all the planes that were grounded over there and how the passengers were well looked after by the locals. I've never done a double wedding ding quilt, all those curved seams! And I remember back in my teenage years stitching up a dress to wear out on Saturday night.
