Sunday 13 October 2024

The stitching and Knitting show and slow stitching.

Yesterday John and I visited the Stitching and Knitting show at Alexandra Palace in London. We travel by underground and train as there is very little parking at the venue and it is a lot easier on public transport than driving. We planned to arrive early and have coffee when we got there. The journey was quick and easy  but there is quite a steep hill to walk up from the station. There is a good view across London.

Having conquered the hill we were soon sitting enjoying a coffee and cinnamon whirl in the restaurant. We decided to look at the stands for merchandise first whilst it wasn't too crowded and then go round the quilt and other textile displays.

On one side of the entry into the show some of the winning quilts from the Festival of Quilts were on display. I knew there were a couple I had missed so quickly took photos to show you. 

The first one is The Handi Quilter Best in Show award 2024 made by Sue Sherman and titled 'Dear Humans'. 

Here's the label that tells you more about it.

The second was this fabulous mask. This was the visitor choice winner.

Here is the information about it.

The halls got busy very quickly and not surprisingly since all tickets had been sold. Everyone was friendly and moved out the way when asked but slow walking was the order of the day and that always causes me pain in my right hip. Fortunately there was a lot to see and enjoy. We don't usually go on a Saturday but it was the only day we were free. I bought some fabric to make a dress and a pattern and fabric to make an artists smock. John bought a new magnifier and lights system for his model making and stamp collecting. As we had visited Midsomer Quilting recently I didn't need any fabric for quilting. I looked at some fabulous yarns but I still have 3 knitting projects to complete so didn't buy anything more. I did need a large button for the jumper I'm knitting for the collar. I found this cute button with turtles on it.

There was a lot of embroidery patterns and kits and threads of all colours but again I have several projects to finish before I buy anything more. Goodness me I think I may be behaving like an adult for once. There was some beautiful silk embroidery threads on sale but since I'm not using silk threads for any of my current projects I definitely didn't need to buy any. 

After lunch we decided it was time to enjoy the rest of the quilts and textile items on display. There were a 8 graduate shows to see. This one focussed on birds. The birds were drawn from nature and then reproduced in textiles. These were created by Bonnie Magee who trained at Glasgow School of Art.

It was good to have the art work next to the textile work as you could see how the transition was achieved.

This portrait is digitally embroidered by Jennie Rose Malcolm who studied at Falmouth University. The portrait is of Edith Agar-Robartes and was inspired by the original portrait at Lanhydrock House, a National Trust property in Bodmin, Cornwall.

Other textile artists on display included Jessica Chorley with this piece 'Table in Landscape - A space of Your own' made in 2020.

I also liked the work by Richard Box, a gentleman over retirement age who still teaches and enjoys making fabric art. I really like that under much of his work there was a label that said 'Please touch'. Many people where too shy to touch but his work is very tactile.  This first piece, Primroses, was made in 2010.

I loved 'The Hare' made in 2016 and the texturing for his fur made me want to stroke him.

I also had to take a photo of these three. The piece of red thread on the card shows they have been sold.

I spent some time talking to Richard and he said he had had a really good show, having sold quite a number of his pictures and enjoyed chatting with everyone. He is a regular contributor to the Knitting and Stitching show.

Today being Sunday is slow stitching day. I've been working on my knitting in the evening over the last week so today I plan on stitching on the embroidered table cloth.  I haven't done any more work on it since the last photo I took.

This is the project I will be working on this week. It's back to work tomorrow but the weekend was fun. Currently we have nothing planned for next weekend as I am covering an open day on Saturday. I'm planning to take the following Monday as a day in lieu so we will still have two days to do something. 

Take care


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