Tuesday 27 August 2024

Sewing and Plans

Today the alarm went off far too early or so it felt to me. On a work day the alarm rings at 6 a.m.  but usually I'm already awake. However today it was a good job the alarm went off, as I was in the middle of a lovely dream.  Work was OK and the day passed quickly but I didn't have space to go for a walk at lunchtime. Never mind there are always two dogs to walk when I get home. On the way home I stopped to feed Katy's cats, Rothko and Penny as she and her family are away for a few days.

Once home I set about planting some of the plants we bought yesterday. I had bought some low growing plants to go in the area around my washing line. A couple of years ago we just scattered meadow seeds and had a lovely show of wild flowers but they grew too tall and got tangled with the washing. These little plants are low growing but will spread quite a lot.

Having tidied up the mess I'd created I pulled out the indigo quilt. I have two borders to add to it but first I needed to cut the white triangles back to make straight sides.

I should have turned the light off before I took the photo.  Next I added the white one and a half inch border.

There were 8 pieces of 3 inch wide x 22 inches fabric for the outer border. These need to be cut and them sewn together to make the border.

This border will be added tomorrow as by now it was running up to dinner time. After dinner I spent a little time sorting some fabric.  A couple of colleagues have asked me to make them a zipped pouch after they saw my pencil case. These are quick and easy to make and use up some of my larger scraps.

I checked my fire tablet to see if I needed to charge it and decided to make it a zipped pouch. I don't currently have a case for it so if I take it to work to do some reading in my lunch break, it travels in my work bag which isn't the safest place. I do find this tablet great for reading and also for playing my audio books. 

I spent a few minutes measuring it and trying to find some fabric to use and in the process I found a pattern I had misplaced. I had wanted to make this quilt as a Christmas present for a friend who loves gardening. I'm not sure I have time to get it made but it will work just as well for her birthday next year.

Finally I sat down and started looking at my latest copy of Today's Quilter and I love this pattern.

I don't really need to start another large unplanned project but this issue also has this pattern. The cushion is a much more realistic project to work on and the starlings are very cute.

Tomorrow is another work day and I have student to teach. Tomorrow evening I plan to finish the indigo quilt top and I want to cast on the stitches for the front of my jumper. For now I've got time to do some reading.

Take care



  1. Busy, busy with current projects and future plans.

  2. Your Indigo quilt looks great. I love that pattern. Barbara @ Cat Patches
