Sunday 22 October 2023

Getting things done.

Yesterday I planned to get several projects moved on, but life has a way of getting in the way and yesterday was no exception. I had started the process  of making the quilt sandwich for the hexi quilt but older daughter and grandson turned up and that put an end to sewing. It was lovely to see them and Missy was so excited. She and Aubrey chased each other round for most of the afternoon. That meant neither of them had an afternoon nap and by evening they were both a little cranky. I drove katy and Aubrey home and by the time I got back Missy had calmed.

John was out this morning and so I got on with finishing the quilting on the bag ladies quilt. I started this as part of a sew along run by Barbara from Cat Patches in 2017. I didn't finish all the stitching until 2018 and then it took a long while to make them into a top. Anyway the quilting was finished and I sewed the binding on. It is all fastened to the back with clips and once Missy's quilt is finished the binding will be stitched down. Unfortunately the photo looks a bit blurry.

The blocks are alternately quilted with cotton reels or needles and thread. I particularly like these two bag ladies. I love the style of this lady from the feather in her hat, her jewellery and pet duck.

The second lady feels more like me and I love her patchwork scarf.

At this point I met up with John and we took Missy for a long walk around the common. The common was quite muddy in places and while she was off her lead she rolled in the puddles and stomped in the mud. Time for Missy to have a bath!

Next up I set about making the quilt sandwich for the hexi quilt. That took a little time as I needed to piece the backing but eventually I had a neat parcel. I probably won't have time to start the quilting until next weekend.

Finally I carried on with stitching the binding down on Missy's quilt. I now have 1 side and a few inches to stitch.

I should finish this quilt tomorrow evening if all goes well. I'm linking this post with Kathy from Kathy's Quilts for her Slow Sunday Stitching 

Tomorrow I want to work out the finished size of the Grandmother's Garden quilt as I want to get this finished by early next year, well at least by June of next year. I also have a couple of new projects I want to start since I'm finishing off two existing projects. I just love starting new things. I'm working for the next four days but hopefully there will be some time for sewing.

Take care



  1. I remember that stitchalong! Such wonderful blocks and they make a very fun quilt! Enjoy your slow stitching!

  2. You are not alone - we all love starting new things. I'm very impressed with the quilting designs on your bag ladies. Did you do this yourself?
