Saturday 29 August 2020

Getting back together with an old friend.

I expect you're all waiting to hear about a met up I had with a friend I haven't seen for ages? Well you would be right ... but wrong. The old friend I've been getting back together with is my lace pillow and lace making supplies. I haven't done any lace making for several years now and my cushions have been languishing in our loft.  For several months I have been felling the need to make some lace. Maybe it was lock down that set me off. I found lock down enjoyable in a way because it took away the need to go visiting other folks. I like staying home and I enjoy the company of my family, including the furry ones. However everything seemed to be changing and doing so at a rate of knots. Working from home took a while to get used to but work also asked us to make huge changes in a short space of time. I found I needed something to stop my brain running away with itself, something that I needed to give my full attention to. My millennium sampler provided that, with all the fractional stitches but I didn't want to work on it all the time. I started to consider the other crafts I enjoy and finally lace making popped into my head. Whilst lace making is fairly easy once you get going it also requires concentration and that's what I need at the moment. Something that requires my full attention.

John went up in to the loft and retrieved my lace pillows. I have several and he wasn't sure what I wanted so bought them all down. I have a box one, here it is with its bag opened. The sections in the middle can be moved as the lace grows.

I made the lace bag myself years ago and it's still going strong.

I also have a smaller travel pillow. This one has a wheel so I can make lace tape. As the lace grows you just move the wheel round. It also comes with a box cushion like the last one. This pillow is much smaller and is useful when going on holiday and I want to take some craft work with me.

I have 3 lace books that I've had for years. I looked through these books and watched a few YouTube videos just to remind myself how lace making is done. It turn out that it's like riding a bicycle, you don't forget how to do it but the memory is a bit rusty.

My supply box was well stocked. Pins and threads on the top,

and underneath my bobbins. These were in a complete mess. Some still had threads attached but I didn't know what thickness they were or if I had enough for a pattern. I took the threads off and put it onto spools and I paired up the bobbins.

I have a lot of painted bobbins and many have sayings on. This set is about the wise old owl.

These one are hardwood bobbins with the black ones being made of ebony.

These two are made of mixed wood and have a fun owl and squirrel on the spangle.

I have several commemorative bobbins. The red one was to commemorate the Queen's 60th year on the throne and the blue on was for the Queen Mother's 101 birthday.

This last set has cats on them and comments that they will sleep anywhere.

Later I will wind the bobbins to prep them for a pattern. Tonight I want to work on the millennium sampler but tomorrow I will start making some lace. I'm rather excited to be getting back to lace making but don't worry it won't take over. I can't make lace at night because it makes my eyes very tired. For now I need to pull the fabrics I nwant to use for my Fall blog hop project. I know exactly what I'm making and I have all the fabric I need but it's just making the final choices.

Take care



  1. My goodness, are you the clever one! Lace making seems so intricate, so I'll be waiting and watching what happens next. I know that those special wooden bobbins are prized by lace makers, you seem to have a nice colle tion.

  2. I’ve seen the bobbin lace made at various quilt shows and the state fair. Oh my goodness. I’m not sure I have the concentration for that, but it is beautiful. And you have to love those bobbins with the cats!
