Sunday 30 August 2020

Slow Sunday stitching.

Today I needed to do a few chores which included baking some bread. Back in March when the UK went into lock down it was very hard to buy bread but I had a good supply of bread flour and so I started to bake bread on a regular basis. I find the whole process very soothing. The kneading also gives my right arm a good work out.  As well as baking bread I made a lemon meringue pie and some little tarts. The smell of the bread baking was so good. Once I finished the chores John and I went for our daily walk. Today we just did several circuits of the cemetery.  We have walked many times in the cemetery since March and every time we spot something different. Today I noticed the leaves are starting to change colour and the horse chestnut trees have began to drop their conkers. The weather is much cooler but very pleasant for walking. There were a few other people out walking but generally it was very quiet.

Once home I decided to do some lace making. There were some bobbins that still had thread wound on them. These were left over from a class I taught a few years back. The thread is DMC perle cotton size 12. I tend to use this when teaching someone how to make bobbin lace for the first time. Being thicker it is easier to wind onto the bobbins and for the learner to handle. I also had some of the patterns I used for the class so I soon had it all set up and ready to go.  This pattern and the thicker spreads can produce beautiful bookmarks. When I took this photo I'd just finished a row and forgot to push my bobbins back into the neutral position.

Last night I had spent some time going through my lace patterns and the one I particularly wanted to make was damaged. I'd spilt something over it and part of the pattern was obliterated. Fortunately I knew where I bought the pattern and so a quick visit to the online shop and a new copy of the pattern will be with me by next weekend. The pattern takes over 60 pairs of bobbins and the thread to be used is quite fine  so I will be winding the bobbins over the week and will be ready to start when the pattern arrives.

This evening I will be working on the millennium sampler and trying to finish the William Shakespeare square. I completed a little more of this section but progress has been slow.

Tomorrow is a bank holiday so I don't have work which is great. Scamp would like a long walk so I'm hoping the weather is good. I need to do some tidying tomorrow as work papers seem to have been multiplying and I have fabric that needs to be put away properly. Auditioning fabric always creates a bit of a mess. After that I will have time for sewing. I have a couple of things I want to work on.

I'm linking this post with Kathy from Kathy's Quilts for her Slow Sunday Stitching While drinking my first cup of tea tomorrow I will be finding out what everyone has been working on.



  1. My goodness, not only can you make lace, but you have taught classes in lace making too! I'm very I pressed indeed.

  2. Oh that colorful lace is so pretty!
